Below is a list of my publications in chronological order, with links. You can also visit my Google Scholar or my ORCID account.
In progress
Aging of amorphous materials under cyclic strain
D. Shohat, P. Baconnier, I. Procaccia, M. van Hecke, Y. Lahini, In preparation, 2025.
Collective actuation in active solids with an external polarizing field
P. Baconnier, V. Démery, O. Dauchot, In preparation, 2025.
8. Proliferation and prohibition of self-loops in ensembles of interacting binary elements
P. Baconnier, M. Teunisse, M. van Hecke, arXiv:2412.12658, 2024. [pdf] (in review at Physical Review Letters)
7. Self-Aligning Polar Active Matter
P. Baconnier, O. Dauchot, V. Démery, G. Düring, S. Henkes, C. Huepe, A. Shee, arXiv:2403.10151v1, 2024. [pdf] (accepted at Reviews of Modern Physics)
6. Noise-induced Collective Actuation in Active Solids
P. Baconnier, V. Démery, O. Dauchot, Physical Review E, 2024. [pdf]
5. Model of Active Solids: Rigid Body Motion and Shape-changing Mechanisms
C. Hernández-López, P. Baconnier, C. Coulais, O. Dauchot, G. Düring, Physical Review Letters, 2024. [pdf]
– Cover of the Issue: PRL 132 (23)
– Featured in Physics: Theory Predicts Collective States of Mobile Particles
4. Discontinuous Tension-controlled Transition between Collective Actuations in Active Solids
P. Baconnier, D. Shohat, and O. Dauchot, Physical Review Letters, 2023. [pdf]
3. Selective and Collective Actuation in Active Solids
P. Baconnier, D. Shohat, C. Hernández-López, C. Coulais, V. Démery, G. Düring, and O. Dauchot, Nature Physics, 2022. [pdf]
– Cover of the Issue: Nat. Phys. 18 (10)
– News & Views: Active solids sync up
2. Overview of mitigation models dedicated to severe accidents and consequences on flow rate through containment concrete structures
S. Mimouni, P. Baconnier, and G. Davy, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2021.
1. Experimental teaching—a tribute to Yves Couder by the example: Stroboscopy and fluorescence lifetime with a fan
A. Eddi, P. Baconnier, M. Blons, S. Pautrel, S. Protière, and E. Fort, Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 2020.
PhD Manuscript
0. Active elastic solids: collective motion, collective actuation & polarization
P. Baconnier, PSL University, 2023. [pdf]